Phylum Productions presents "OMBRE" tells the story of Jake, an aspiring actor who went to Baguio City for a reality star search audition. There, he meets Dennis, a photographer from Manila. Both stay in a transient house owned by Dennis’ gay best friend, Brix.
Dennis is a searcher who just got out of rehab.
Jake is a dreamer.
They became friends and secret lovers. While both of them have special someone waiting back in Manila, it becomes clear that there’s a bond between them that they’ve never felt with other people, and this feeling begins to grow into something deeper.
Is this LOVE?
OMBRE is written and directed by Jonison Fontanos and stars Zac Ferrero, Darwin Taylo, Jobben Bello, Lando Perez, G.A Villafuerte, Tin Gonzalez, Kimjee Abad with Ms. Jef Gaitan (Survivor Philippines Palau finalist).
Dreams, destiny and love, in forms not known to many, come together in this full-length independent film this 2011.
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